Take a Deep Breath

and Listen to Your Heart

You’re a successful woman… but somehow, something’s missing. You know you’re capable of more. And it isn’t about doing more.  You want to feel FREE to be YOU, to feel at peace and be truly happy.

But sometimes that just doesn’t look possible. Sometimes you feel stuck, frustrated… but you’re unwilling to stay there. So you keep yourself busy doing things to distract yourself.

After working with me and doing the Woman Beat Your Drum, my main program, my clients say:

leanne 2021

Hi. I’m Leanne Babcock, a transformation coach who helps women to embody their fuller potential and to live a life they love.

I’m a shamanic, intuitive, brain-science gal who loves to see women thrive. I help women to lead lives that fulfill them…lives of purpose, clarity and power in a new way and in a new world.

You Can Work With Me In Various Ways

Woman Beat Your Drum
Transformational Program
My Books
1:1 Coaching
Private Facebook Group

Transformation is when you see something differently, the seeing of which changes EVERYTHING – who you are being and the world around you.


To lastingly transform your life you need five elements happening at the same time.


Interrupting old habits and patterns of thinking strengthens your inner will


Accessing and working with your own inner wisdom daily deepens your wisdom and guides you to make wiser choices.


Bringing your awareness to something that you don’t usually pay attention to and may not have even noticed expands your consciousness.


Being able to question your thoughts, opens your mind to greater possibilities.


Acting beyond your comfort zone expands your awareness and builds your confidence.

Book an introductory 45-minute call to learn more.

Woman Beat Your Drum

A 3-Month Transformational Program

Trust your intuition.

Clarify your purpose.

Express yourself more fully.

What is the Woman Beat Your Drum program like?

Feel FREE to be YOU!

"Feel free to be you" Leanne Babcock


Featured Books

What I've Been Thinking...

If only you thought like me, things would go better! – Is this true?

My head drew back a little as the comb pulled through my hair. My hairdresser was combing through the curls before trimming as she shared with me about her and her best friend. They had just become estranged following a conversation they had discovering their varied opinions about what’s happening in the world right now.

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The Unknowable And Knowable Reality

Maybe for the first time we are faced with reality….Think about it. Before this pandemic hit, most of us related with tomorrow like it was just going to be there. I knew what was going to happen tomorrow because my diary told me! I made plans and booked appointments assuming they would happen. I related

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Something felt…umm…uncomfortable

My hands gripped the wheel tighter. Something didn’t feel right yet. I was driving to the grocery store thinking about an upcoming talk I was going to give. The message I wanted to share wasn’t really clear yet. The talk was about my story of deciding to leave New Zealand and move back to Canada.

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Live a fulfilling life!

Ready to love who you are and have what you want?

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Love, Leanne