Next level WOMAN BEAT YOUR DRUM V2.0 is launching… new webpage coming soon!
Embody your wisdom
Stand in your real power
Embrace your dreams & deepen into
remembering who you are…
4-month transformational program
For more information, book a discovery call with Leanne
About the program leader and creator

I spent most of my life searching for the holy grail of transformation, when I would be fully self-expressed, enlightened, actualized, and what I discovered is this…transformation is a journey and not a place to arrive at. This journey is about choosing transformation EVERY SINGLE DAY.
In the Woman Beat Your Drum program you are cradled from several angles as you release old habits bit by bit, day by day. The program addresses your relationship with yourself, the beliefs you’ve held about who you are that just aren’t true, your purpose in life, areas where you keep getting stuck, your relationships with others, listening to your own intuition, and anything else that’s important to you.
The women who do the program say:
- It’s totally changed my life in ways I always wanted
- I feel at peace inside no matter what’s going on around me
- I feel more embodied in who I am
- I am not self-conscious in ways I used to be
- I feel wonderfully authentic
- I can shift negative thinking more quickly than I could before
- I feel more fulfilled
- My relationships with others are richer
- More opportunities are coming my way
Find out if the program is suitable for you
Full Interview Testimonials
This has transformed my relationships in untold positive ways. And the bouts of depression I used to suffer regularly, are almost all gone.
My life will never be the same and for that I am so grateful."
I learned to go beyond my current limits, and to free myself old guilts and regrets. From the Woman Beat Your Drum program, I now feel my inner power and am guided by my purpose I feel freer to be me."
As a therapist, I have found that I can’t be of maximum service to my clients unless I have done my own healing work. The program was so helpful to uncover and release old programming and limiting beliefs that held back my self- expression.
Leanne is insightful, and the meditations and exercises she teaches have been so helpful."