My Blog
What I’ve Been Thinking…
… I share some of my thoughts and reflections here with you.

If only you thought like me, things would go better! – Is this true?
My head drew back a little as the comb pulled through my hair. My hairdresser was combing through the curls before trimming as she shared with me about her and her best friend. They had just become estranged following a conversation they had discovering their varied opinions about what’s happening in the world right now.

The Unknowable And Knowable Reality
Maybe for the first time we are faced with reality….Think about it. Before this pandemic hit, most of us related with tomorrow like it was just going to be there. I knew what was going to happen tomorrow because my diary told me! I made plans and booked appointments assuming they would happen. I related

Something felt…umm…uncomfortable
My hands gripped the wheel tighter. Something didn’t feel right yet. I was driving to the grocery store thinking about an upcoming talk I was going to give. The message I wanted to share wasn’t really clear yet. The talk was about my story of deciding to leave New Zealand and move back to Canada.

Hold the vision, let go of the plan
Recently I drove from Toronto to Vermont where I was speaking at a women’s gathering. I’d been looking forward to this road trip because I was going to get to sleep in my car! Now this hasn’t always been one of my goals, but since I spent most of 2018 on my book tour traveling

Am I taking care of myself or am I sabotaging myself?
“I used to think that was me taking care of myself!” my client said a bit shocked. She was referring to times when she felt tired and would hear this “friendly” voice in her head saying, “You don’t have to do that now. You can do that later.” It would sound logical at the time

No time for habits or ruts
I held the fork in my hand. Where does this go again? I’ve been living here for a couple of months now and for a second I stood there in the kitchen—paused. You know those moments when you don’t have to think to put the dishes away? In fact, you can even think of something else, while

Lost my courage that day
“You’re the poster child for courage. You live this every day,” Victoria said. She was interviewing me on Courageous Conversations about my life and my book: Open Me. I have done a lot of courageous things. I have faced fears of being alone and finding my way by going on a 12-month road trip across North

I can help carry a bucket of water
Over the summer months I have been staying with Liz, a friend of mine in Kitchener. I am enjoying having a place to settle in for a few months even though I am still “on the move:” traveling to different cities around me touring with my book. At least I know where I am sleeping each

For a few seconds I wanted to crawl into a hole…
I mindfully held my glover needle as I pushed it through the soft leather. A glover needle has a triangular shaped end with 3 sides of sharp blade enabling it to pierce through the thick material – a good tool to have if you are hand sewing leather. I was at a workshop hosted by

Learning. Learning. Learning!
It was just a little pothole. Well maybe a few potholes. I didn’t see them. I looked down at the floor inside my camper: all of my clothes heavily slumped over my bike—the pole I used to hang up my clothing had broken away from the wall where it had been glued and screwed snuggly

Your Heart’s Desire
How can I tell you that anything you want to do, you can, without sounding trite? “Oh, you don’t have children do you Leanne? That’s why you can do these things,” someone said to me a while back when I was sharing with her about my travels. Something about what she said didn’t feel right.

The Freedom Of Forgiveness
The break. The misunderstandings. The wounding. The forgiveness. The freedom. I had been staying at the Temple of the Universe, a temple that Michael Singer, author of Untethered Soul, started 45 years ago. My fingers fumbled for my cell phone in my pocket. 6:15am. Grateful for the lighting along the path I reached the simple,

“Leanne, this is Shannon. I think you two will have a few things in common,” Linda said and then disappeared with her client who was Shannon’s friend. My first three and a half months of exploring Canada had led me into the late autumn months. Snow and cold weather was on its way. I had

Listening to the Messages
She jumped in front of my car. It was a good thing I was going very slow on the dirt road. Then she pranced in front of me as if not sure whether to go forward or back. Finally she darted forward and into the bush on the other side of the street. I got

I walked into my first book store
I put on my yellow skirt. I wanted to look nice rather than be in my blue jeans. Walking down the street I carried a copy of my book and the Open Me information sheet for the book store. My plan was to walk into book stores and ask them if I could do a book reading

It’s Time To Go
Two ants bit me both at once. I was attending a peace circle gathering to celebrate the summer solstice. About twelve of us were sitting outside under a big maple tree. In the center were various meaningful objects holding the context for our meeting. The exercise was to find a place to commune with nature

Landing in Canada
I imagined myself landing in Canada, spending a few days with mom and with Greg. Then buying a van and getting on the road. 3 weeks maximum. I mean maybe I might even be on my way in 2. I had it all organised in my mind. “Hey sis,” Greg smiled as he stepped forward to

Being With What Is…But I Still Have Problems
I pressed “Publish” for the tenth time then I checked the home page once again. Still nothing. My blog articles weren’t showing up on my blog home page. But this in itself wasn’t a big deal. Someone would fix that for me in due time. This was on top of all the other problems I

And The Creator Said, “Let There Be Dreams Fulfilled,” And They Were.
I had this dream once that by using my voice in a particular way I could open this secret gate that had been locked for years. I began wondering, what if the sounds of our voices moved energy in such a way that we created things? What if we could simply speak our dreams and

Keeping My Hand Down
It was question time. The speaker had been inspiring. I was wondering how this might impact on a situation I was dealing with. The man holding the microphone, for people with questions, was standing right beside me. I paused to think. How should I word my question? I wanted my question to be just right. Someone on