Intuition & Healing

8 weeks starting October 18th

4.00pm ET

(MT 2pm / PT 1pm / UKT 9pm / Sydney, Australia 7am Oct 19 th / NZT
9am Oct 19th)

Find the start time from your corner of the world

$169 USD*

15% off for returning participants.
Email me  and ask for the returning participant discount code.

Follow & develop your intuition.

Work with the power of healing. 

Practice living in your divine intuitive nature.

You know you are intuitive. This is a natural expression of who you are. 


You have many intuition channels including and not limited to: inner hearing, inner seeing, inner knowing, feeling and sensing. These are different ways you pick up on energy. And energy is flowing all around you and through you all the time. 


Energy does not follow a linear timeline. So you can pick up on energy from the future, the past and the now.


If energy is flowing through all things, then what guides it? 



Your thoughts, your intentions, your feelings guide energy.

As you become more conscious of the energy that flows around you and through you, you learn to discern when energy is yours and when it isn’t. You learn to orchestrate the energy, to be the alchemist and not the victim.

When you work with healing energy, you channel high frequency energy, which not only enables healing for another, it also heals you.

You might even find that working with energy feels “normal”… as if you are “remembering” that you already know… how… to do this.

Your INTUITION is your natural ability to be in communication with the world within you and around you.

Sounds simple, right?

Yes. It is simple. And you need to practice. If you want to trust yourself more, then listen. Listen to what your intuition is saying.

Practice intuition techniques that can become a regular part of your every day, wise woman.

  • Intuit your own wisdom
  • Connect with higher frequency beings

Listen to YOUR wisdom…

The PATH OF THE HEART series includes three courses:

Love Yourself to Peaces,
Intuition & Love,
And Intuition & Healing.

Each of these are 8-class courses.

This path is for YOU, wise woman, if you want to...

What people say about my intuition courses…

“I feel very blessed to have connected with Leanne and to have done quite a few courses with her from intuition to advanced healing… [I] come away feeling uplifted, more empowered and keen and eager to learn more.”
Fiona – life coach & entrepreneur
“My first course with Leanne had a profound impact on my life. Within our very first meeting I realized how lost/separated I had become from my spiritually… [Now] I am so full/whole that I am overflowing with abundant light and love. Wow that sounds airy fairy but it’s true. I know in my heart that I am on the right path - my path.”
Selina – fulltime mom, creative & sports enthusiast
“Leanne creates a safe environment for the deepest of soul journeys and facilitates personal healing not only through her own wisdom and light, but by revealing the healer in all of us.”
Annette – singer, song writer / mother
About Leanne Babcock


Since a very young age, Leanne saw auras, apparitions, heard voices and picked up on others feelings.

From the age of 12, she began taking courses to develop her intuition and at 13 began teaching. Leanne ran intuition development and energy healing courses for many years in North America and New Zealand… and now online to participants around the world.

She also learned that the key to true happiness, inner strength and love, was to love and be kind to herself.

As well as the lifetime of intuition training, Leanne is trained in neuro-linguistic programming, hypnotherapy, ontological coaching, multiple-brain integration and shamanism.


Q: What are the dates and times?
A: Dates are below for the 8 classes. All classes are 2 hours +. It's recommended to not schedule another meeting immediately after the end of a class.

Q: What if I miss a class?
A: All classes are recorded and you will receive a recording.

Q: Other classes I've done with Leanne, people are paired up with a buddy. Will I have a buddy in this course too?
A: Yes. Having a buddy is available ONLY if you plan to attend the live classes. However if you plan to not attend the classes and only listen to the recordings, then please let us know so that we don't match you up with a buddy.

Q: I've participated in this course before. Is there a returning participant discount?
A: Yes there is a 15% discount. Email me and ask for the returning participant discount code so you can register.


There are time zone changes during the 8 weeks of classes.
This will affect: United Kingdom and Czech Republic, New Zealand and Australia.

October 18th 4pm Eastern time / MT 2pm / PT 1pm / UKT 9pm / Sydney, Australia 7am Oct 19th / NZT 9am Oct 19th
October 25th 4pm Eastern Time / MT 2pm / PT 1pm / UKT 9pm / Sydney, Australia 7am Oct 26th / NZT 9am Oct 26th
November 1st 4pm Eastern Time / MT 2pm / PT 1pm / UKT 8pm / Sydney, Australia 7am Nov 2nd / NZT 9am Nov 2nd
November 8th 4pm Eastern Time / MT 2pm / PT 1pm / UKT 9pm / Sydney, Australia 8am Nov 9th / NZT 10am Nov 9th
November 15th 4pm Eastern Time / MT 2pm / PT 1pm / UKT 9pm / Sydney, Australia 8am Nov 16th / NZT 10am Nov 16th
November 22nd 4pm Eastern Time / MT 2pm / PT 1pm / UKT 9pm / Sydney, Australia 8am Nov 23rd / NZT 10am Nov 23rd
November 29th 4pm Eastern Time / MT 2pm / PT 1pm / UKT 9pm / Sydney, Australia 8am Nov 30th / NZT 10am Nov 30th
December 6th 4pm Eastern Time / MT 2pm / PT 1pm / UKT 9pm / Sydney, Australia 8am Dec 7th / NZT 10am Dec 7th

Intuition & Healing

8 weeks starting October 18th

4.00pm ET

(MT 2pm / PT 1pm / UKT 9pm / Sydney, Australia 7am Oct 19 th / NZT
9am Oct 19th)

Find the start time from your corner of the world

$169 USD*

15% off for returning participants.
Email me and ask for the returning participant discount code.
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Love, Leanne