Love Yourself to Peaces V2.0

May 4th 2024

An 8-week transformational journey for women

✓ Deep inner peace

✓ Unshakeable inner strength

✓ Richer relationships with others

✓ Totally transform your relationship with YOU

Love Yourself to Peaces V2.0

Path of the Heart series

8 weeks starting May 4th 2024

2:30 – 4:30pm Eastern Time

11:30am PT / 12:30 MT / 7:30pm in UK / 6:30am in NZ next day

Find the start time from your corner of the world

$144 US

*Returning participants receive 15% discount

Email us to request your discount code.

What does it mean “to be in a relationship with yourself”?

The mind more easily refers to “being in relationship with another” and has no, or little, reference for a “relationship with Self.” 

Consider that we were born being in relationship with our Self. A baby is simply a bundle of love and its only concern is having its needs met. In our culture, we are taught to not trust our Self, not listen to our intuition, and instead to listen to authority and do as we are told. We learn that our needs are not important and that taking care of other people’s needs is important. We are told that the truth is outside our Self and that we must listen to others tell us what is true.

Our Self inside becomes separated and in conflict because there is a part of you that knows something isn’t right and that you “should” trust yourself, but you don’t. 

This separation with Self is the cause of most of your problems…


Second guessing


Say “yes” when you mean “no”

Don’t set boundaries

Feel not respected

Don’t feel loved

Feel unfulfilled

Feel lonely

Can you feel the agony of living life like this? 

Aren’t you DONE?! Haven’t you had enough of putting yourself last, pushing your needs aside, waiting for the “right time” to take care of YOU?!

YOU are WISE… and I know you know… that this time, this paradigm of self-abuse, is OVER.

Being in relationship with yourself means… letting go of all of this and restoring LOVE inside of you.

Your own deep inner wisdom is calling you… to…

Remember who you are

 Stand in YOUR power

Let go of old beliefs of unworthiness

Step away from not respecting your Self

Heal old wounds and no longer let them run your life

Wake up to the love inside of you

Love Yourself to Peaces

is for women who want to do the sacred work to set themselves free… and to RISE into who they really are.


8 weeks of transformation work. Each class is LIVE. You’ll experience…


Brain transforming guided visualizations

Processes to help you to let go of old habits

Insightful teachings that touch your soul

Group sharing that deepens your wisdom

Assignments that help you break old patterns that don’t serve YOU

We'll cover topics such as:

Expanding consciousness

Healing the wounded inner child


Grief, guilt, regret





What are participants saying?

About your Facilitator Leanne Babcock

I’m a Master Coach and Trainer in the Babcock Coaching Methodology, an NLP Master Practitioner, a Master Coach of Multiple Brain Integration Techniques, trained in Transactional Analysis, hypnotherapy, ontological coaching, intuitive and shamanic studies.

For over 30 years I have led transformational programs for people all around the world in corporate and in public.

In 2017, after living almost 30 years in New Zealand, I moved half-way around the world back to my roots in North America. I bought a truck-camper and for 12 months toured across Canada and the United States.

In 2018, I published my first book and became a best-selling author. 

It’s a pleasure and an honor to be your guide on this transformational journey.


Is this course in person?

This is a live online course. You’ll receive a zoom link for the classes.

Are there assignments?

Yes. There are assignments to complete after each session. The purpose of the assignments is to help you break old habits and to put in practice new habits that support a stronger relationship with your Self.

What if during the course I need more coaching?

If you feel a desire for further coaching, you are encouraged to reach out to Leanne to request some 1:1 coaching.

Can I interact with the facilitator?

Yes. During the session, you can ask questions. At times, and with permission, Leanne will coach participants.

What if I can’t make a class? Are the classes recorded?

Yes. You will be sent a recording after each session. If you miss a class, it is advised that you watch the recording prior to the next class to ensure you don’t miss anything. The recording will be available to you for 12 months.

Is there interaction with other participants?

Yes. During the class, participants will share in smaller groups in break out rooms. As well as the smaller group interactions, each participant has a buddy for the duration of the course. Your buddy, like you, is committed to progressing on this journey and so you have someone to share with along the way.

What if I miss a session?

The sessions are recorded so you have an opportunity to catch up before the next session. Each session is independent so it doesn’t impact your learning if you didn’t attend the previous session.


8-week online journey starts
May 4th, 2024

2.30pm – 4.30pm ET

11:30am PT / 12:30 MT / 7:30pm in UK / 6:30am in NZ next day

Find the start time from your corner of the world

$144 USD

*Returning participants receive 15% discount

Email us to request your discount code.

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Love, Leanne