“Leanne, this is Shannon. I think you two will have a few things in common,” Linda said and then disappeared with her client who was Shannon’s friend.
My first three and a half months of exploring Canada had led me into the late autumn months. Snow and cold weather was on its way. I had never driven in snow having learned to drive in New Zealand and I wasn’t keen on sleeping in the camper when it was that cold. The southern part of the United States looked much more appealing so I decided to head to Florida before the weather closed in.
The November evening before the morning I had planned to start my journey south, a cold snap swept in Ontario, Canada. I jumped out of bed and pushed the curtains back. Icicles dangled from the over-hang of my camper and a blanket of snow covered the ground. I took in a deep breath.
I can’t go in this. Ice will be on the roads. Looking at the weather forecast, the weather would warm up enough to melt everything in a couple of days. I could leave then. I felt a bit of relief but something didn’t feel right about delaying things. My hands started to shake as I thought about driving in the ice and snow. It didn’t feel right to drive like this either. I started to consider the extra things I could do if I didn’t leave that day and it was beginning to sound like a good idea.
I sat down and closed my eyes. Taking in some deep slow breath, my heart relaxed. I called in my angels and asked if it was best to leave in a couple of days. “Leave today,” was the immediate answer.
Standing up, I pushed all thoughts aside. My camper was packed in two hours and I was on the road.
Linda lived in Florida and I was looking forward to staying with her for a few weeks to relax in the warm weather after so much constant moving and traveling in my truck camper. She and I had met at a spiritual conference several years ago when I went on a spiritual journey and had remained great friends ever since.
Having gone through her own journey of healing from cancer using alternative treatments to the main stream, Linda published a book and now runs a retreat center from her home to help people on their own healing path. Shannon had just come over to introduce a friend of hers who wanted to meet Linda.
Linda and Ellen went to talk privately in another room. Looking into each other’s eyes, having just met, Shannon and I laughed and hugged. Shannon was also an author and we swapped books right away. After hearing a bit of my journey and what had brought me to this moment, she said, “Why don’t you come to my place and offer a workshop? You can sell some books. I run a retreat center as well and have a really good database. We’ll have a good group of people.”
Last week Linda asked me if I wanted to join her for a meditation evening. I looked at my diary and saw that I had a couple of skype calls scheduled for that same time. I shook my head. “Can’t you move them?” she said in that loving blunt manner of hers.
Her words touched something inside me. Spirit messages come through other people sometimes.
The meditation evening was enchanting—shamanic drumming, channelling, meditating, connecting with other like hearted souls—and I met Vanessa who led the evening. At the end of the evening Vanessa shared about a powerful transformative time in her life when something inside her was dying, needed to die, and a new part of her birthed, and the pain and the struggle of it all. Unexpected tears filled my eyes as I resonated with her story. I’m going through that right now.
I gifted her my book in appreciation of the evening. “Are you offering workshops here?” Vanessa asked me. “I’ll set one up for you.”
So if you are in town or know anyone in Florida, let them know what’s happening. I am so excited to offer these!
Saturday 16th December
2pm – 3:45pm
134 Hernandez Ave, Palm Coast
Work with your intuition. Meet a power animal. Experience a shamanic dream journey.
To register shannona444@hotmail.com
Sunday 17th or Monday 18th December (date tbc)
Crystal River, Florida
Contact me to find out more about the one in Crystal River Leanne@leannebabcock.ca
Christmas is coming soon and I’ve decided to open myself to the invitations of the universe so I don’t know where I will be. I am leaving Florida on the 20th December to make my way west towards California. At this point it looks like I will be in Texas for Christmas with people I don’t know…yet!